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Our festival season is mid April through early October. Check out the schedule of public events on the "more" page.
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Fugiat dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, mauris sit condim eser ntumsi nibh, uum a justo vitaes amet risus amets un. Posi sectetut amet fermntum orem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia nons.
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About Henna

/About Henna

Information about henna – history, science, geography, anthropology, how it works, etc

Henna FAQ Part 2

By | June 10th, 2024|About Henna|

What is Henna? Is it the same as Mehndi, Mehandi, Heena, etc? Henna is a plant; the leaves of this plant have a dye called lawsone. The art of applying the plant leaves to the skin is typically given the same as the plant itself. If you have a henna tree growing in your yard, [...]

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Henna FAQ

By | June 10th, 2024|About Henna|

Henna By Heather Henna FAQ copyright 1999, 2002, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2024 Heather Caunt-Nulton What colors of henna are available? Henna is a natural plant dye, which stains an orange to reddish-brown color. Some people call other temporary body art “henna”, but true henna is from the henna plant (latin name: lawsonia [...]

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Troubleshooting Your Henna Batch – Not Getting Good Henna Stain Color?

By | May 7th, 2018|About Henna, Dear Heather, Henna Artist Tips, Thriving Artist - Business of Henna|

Dear Heather, I'm having trouble getting my henna batch to stain like I'd like. I'm a professional artist, and have been doing this a while - I know how to mix a good batch of henna. I'm also quite confident that I've got excellent henna supplies - I bought them from a reputable supplier, and [...]

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Booking by Text Message Scam

By | September 2nd, 2015|Henna Artist Tips|

FYI, there's what seems to be a book-by-txt scam out there for entertainers / henna artists. "This is ---- how are you doing ?, i will like to know your availability day in September, 2015 just 5 hours service, i will like you to get back to me with your availability day in September its a [...]

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How to mix lemon sugar sealant for sealing your henna designs

By | August 26th, 2015|About Henna, Henna Artist Tips|

From: This lemon-sugar how-to was written for Lisa of Michigan! I also have said I might get around to making a YouTube video...but for now, here are some typed-up how-to instructions for you. What you need: -bottled lemon juice (or squeezed, strained lemon juice if you want to be fancy...which I never [...]

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Aztec Henna Designs and Clothing Trends

By | June 29th, 2015|About Henna, Henna Artist Tips|

This summer, I've been getting a lot of requests for Aztec henna patterns. At first, I was wondering if they wanted me to draw Quetzalcoatl and awesome stuff like that - because I'd be totally down! But what it turns out that what teens and twenty-somethings mean when they request "Aztec" designs is a sort [...]

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Henna Festival Tent Setup – What Do You Need To Bring?

By | April 30th, 2015|Henna Artist Tips|

As you get ready for festival season, you'll want to think about what you need in your booth. A question that comes up quite often on the Henna Gathering facebook group is "what do I need to bring with me for a festival?"... Well here, you go! This is my own personal checklist for when [...]

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My Adventures on the way to the Spring Fling Henna Conference

By | February 27th, 2015|About Henna, Festivals & Events, Henna Artist Tips|

Earlier this month, I flew to California for the Spring Fling Henna Conference. I always look forward to teaching at Neeta Sharma's excellent, cozy, and friendly conference. My mini western henna tour had the following stops scheduled: Boulder, CO - Book release for Dushanbe at the Dushanbe Tea House itself! & Meeting up with lovely local [...]

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Designing a Custom Digital Printed EZ-Up Tent

By | February 2nd, 2015|Henna Artist Tips|

I've dealt with hanging banners from my tent at the beginning of every festival, and taking them down at the end of every festival, for long enough. I've always dreamed of getting a Raj Tent, but since I have neither limitless funds nor an army of strong people following me around to my festivals to [...]

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Henna Festival Packing List

By | February 1st, 2015|About Henna, Henna Artist Tips|

Often, people who are just starting to do henna at festivals wonder what they'll need. Here is a handy dandy list I have compiled for myself, so that when I pack my car up for the first festival of the season, I won't forget anything! Henna Festival Packing List ---DON’T FORGET THE HENNA!!!----- Cooler / [...]

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